Thursday, August 11, 2005


I chanced upon a blog on MSN Spaces entitled Late Life Crisis in which Prescott, an 83 year old blogger shares his experience as a "late lifer." His basic thought is that the so-called mid-life crisis is nothing compared to what he's experiencing late in life.

I read through some of his entries and it just struck me that there were lessons to be learned from what he shared. One clear lesson was that if I still want to be around for the long haul,I have to train myself or maybe program myself to be active mentally and physically when I'm old and grey.

So I thought to myself, maybe I ought to keep up with my weightlifting program,Yoga exercises,guitar playing, gardening, painting and papercraft as a way of maintaining my mental health. And maybe too,keeping my outlook young (and my sex drive in high gear!) ought to tide me over I'm in my 90's! :-)

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