Saturday, August 13, 2005


I'm almost done with the pastel painting of the Madonna and Child (Theotokos Ikon) that I started about a month ago.As in past projects, I find myself instinctively slowing down at the last stages because once I'm done with a project I'll have nothing to do again.

I noticed too that when I do my paintings I don't really follow any rules as to what will make the painting look great. It's as if my hands and eyes (and experience) take over and tell my brain which color to apply and how light or dark a tone must be for a specific area.

And because I'm working too close to the painting most of the time I do not see the overall effect of the detailing I do until I step back and see the painting as a whole.

I'm going to post a photo of my masterpiece soon as I'm done. Right now it's looking just great, if I may say so.

This morning I caught a feature in Discovery channel where the male species was being talked about. The portion I saw talked about how fathers spent time with their sons watching sports (football/baseball) as a means of bonding. Also, it sort of taught the sons what being masculine was all about.

It just struck me that I have not really taken my sons out to watch ball games or sports competitions. Most of my bonding has been watching movies, malling,browsing thru bookstores,jamming with them and even having a cookfest with them. But, that (hopefully) does not mean I'm not being a good male role model.

Maybe, I ought to check.Hmmmm.

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