Thursday, June 30, 2011


I saw my second son James sleeping on the couch in our sala and drew a quick sketch. As I was drawing he turned around in his sleep so I sketched that too...THE RESULT: A DOUBLE EXPOSURE.

I experimented with the coloring,trying to make most of the colors all pure and flat...the effect was great.

I seem to have gained some momentum in my drawing. It's getting easier by the day. I just make sure I have something done within the first 2 hours of the day...and everything else is a breeze. I feel a burst of energy that keeps me going all morning that sometimes...before I know it, it's LUNCHTIME!

Besides drawing, I've started on another passion of mine which is papercraft.

More than a year ago, I downloaded a papercraft model for a Yamaha motorcycle. I never got to assembling it but yesterday I set aside drawing and started cutting away and gluing. The model is complicated...but I finished the first stage.

Can't wait to see the finished model!

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