Monday, March 31, 2008

You don't know the day nor the hour

While going through the email titles that accumulated over the weekend I noticed one from the SBC egroup entitled: Julius Cordero and Butch Roxas. Usually when the names of members are posted that way,it can only mean they've passed away.

Sure enough these were notices to all members that these 2 batchmates had gone. What seems to have shaken those who exchanged notes was that the deaths happened within a week of each other.

I didn't know Dr. Butch Roxas save for some of his postings before when Vic Barreiro had a heart attack and bypass operation. He seem to have entered SBC during High School. Some of the other batch mates don't have recollections of him either.

The details of his death (from a heart attack) were a bit gruesome. He had gone to the washroom and never went out. They found his lifeless body on the floor,water running all over the place.

Julius Cordero was a classmate of mine when I was in Grade 6-14 under Mr. Balagtas. I wasn't in his circle of friends because he was more of the "astig" types then. I did see him when I attended one of the get togethers of the batch mates (maybe at Gilligan's.)

The suddenness of their deaths and the lack of logic of the timing of their deaths brought to mind the passage in Scripture that precisely says we "don't know the day..nor the hour."

If so, I can only hope really that all my efforts at keeping myself healthy do extend my life some more so I can see my kids succeed in their dreams, get married and have kids of their own. But other than that I guess, I have to leave everything in God's hands...and let Him figure out when He would like me to join Him.

Meanwhile,I will live life to the a lot...laugh even more...and drink glasses of good wine to everybody's health!

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