Wednesday, November 22, 2006


The kids and I watched Nanny 911 last Sunday and it was an interesting example of how sometimes,Nanny really knows best.

The episode was about the Finks (Geesh what a name!) who had 3 sets of twins for kids! The first set, Amanda and Alex were both adopted.The next two sets were apparently theirs. The couple's problem was that the kids were always whining, crying and showing aggressive behavior--- as in hitting their siblings if they didn't get they want.

The couple called on Nanny 911 for help,and the Nanny who came to the rescue assessed what was going on then came up with a set of rules. The parents,upon hearing what the Nanny was prescribing as solutions and seeing the written rules were skeptical about calling in the Nanny. There was even a shot of the wife saying,in a rather sarcastic manner, that it won't work.

But was she proven wrong!

When one of the kids started whining about something,the Nanny coaxed her to use words and say what she wanted. The kid stopped crying and said what she wanted! The parents were flabbergasted.

When another kid started throwing a tantrum because he couldn't get what he wanted, Nanny picked him up and gave him a choice...say what you want or get locked up. The kid said his piece and the crying stopped.

Apparently, what had been happening was that the husband had been leaving the care of the kids to the wife,who,unable to cope with the kids dysfunctional behaviors didn't do anything to correct them and started harboring ill feelings toward the husband. In the process they started not communicating. Pretty soon everyone in the household was not communicating with each other. The only way they knew to get attention was to whine, cry or get aggressive.

The episode ended with the nanny finally saying goodbye after she saw that the Finks had alreazdy learned how to communicate with each other. Mrs. Fink confessed thsat the house was now so quiet and peaceful,she could even hear herself think!

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