Wednesday, November 08, 2006


One of the routine things we do when we go malling on Sundays is drop by a bookstore. Usually this is Powerbooks at Alabang Town Center,Fully Booked at Rockwell or any of the National Bookstores in any mall.

I've often wondered if anybody really reads these books and why there are so many authors writing on the same subject. What with all the stuff you can get for free over the internet...and in a more exciting format at that!

Many of these books, after staying on shelves for so many years usually go on sale sometimes at 70%-80% of their original price during book sales. Maybe an indicator that they're not really that saleable!

Recently, though I had an experience which made me realize why having books around are important.

I'm supposed to put together a "book" on "Inspirational Leadership" for Chowking. It should be written in a simple style that would make it easy reading even for our cooks. It should also be interesting, informative and yet not comre across as intellectual.

In my search for a "model" for this type of book, I came across Andrew Matthews' "Being Happy." I had used this book before as a reference for a Crew Leader develpment program I had packaged for Jollibee over 20 years ago.

While browsing through the book to check out its style, I couldn't help but read the passages I had used to teach our Crew Leaders before on how to change their mindsets in order to change their lives. And while doing so, I stopped to reflect on my own life and see whether I had put these principles to good use myself.

It was good to be reminded again!

And maybe that's what books are first they serve as sources of information...later on they serve as reminders...and we can use a reminder time and again!

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