Sunday, April 02, 2006


During the past week I've been using Adobe Photoshop to include faces of ex-Juvenists who joined our grand reunion but weren't included in the group photo. After learning thru experience I finally finished "Photoshopping in" 12 people and it didn't look bad. I asked my daughter to pinpoint those I had added and she missed about 4 so I must have done a convincing job.

I've also experimented on using the other Photoshop tools to create a poster of my son James playing bass guitar. This time around I intend to learn all the possibilities I can create using this fantastic software. I'll even extend the learning to using Adobe Illustrator for the SBC Souvenir Program.

I'm getting excited about learning something new...and something creative at that! It really proves that "old dogs" can still learn new tricks. I guess it depends if one thinks he's an old dog or not.

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