Wednesday, June 08, 2005


TJ is into one of his "Life Sucks" moods again...and as usual it's because of being rejected by a girl. He's blaming himself for not being good looking and also for being your basically "good""well-mannered" average Joe. He now even considers his being"good" as the reason why this girl (Karlah or Steph?) just wants to be her friend and not something else. It's sad that he thinks being "good" is the cause of his downfall...being"good" is a liability because it's going to get you nowhere with girls nowadays! (Doh!) So does that mean girls today want their boys to have a mean streak??? Has the world really changed that much...for the worse?

Right now, I just feel helpless. I know the answer to this one. Everything he perceives "wrong" about his situation is in his head. But in spite of my efforts in the past to re-program his attitude towards himself and life, he still goes back to his Charlie Brown mentality when "tragedies"like these happen.

I know also that the thing to do is to convince him that in the long run, his "being good" will be recognized by some one who deserves his love, and that he should not give up on " being good."But, I know too well also...that sometimes it's better that he figure out the answer himself and all I can do is watch and be arouond to support him.

Well, the bright side to this is that he seems to have changed a bit. Now, he realizes he just has to go on with his life and act normal in spite of the pain and all. He even has a saying:" The smile is the best form of disguise..."

Life did not give us an instruction manual on how to handle cases such as this, which I can probably categorize as Case #26830-E: " Adolescent Son Undergoing Rejection by a Potential Crush & Taking It Against the World"

I guess I'll just have to accept this as one of the thrills of parenthood! :-)

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