Monday, October 17, 2005


I watched a documentary the other night on the inside story of 9/11. It revealed that as early as 8 years before the attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, there were already indicators that radical Muslims were already plotting something against the USA in the belief that they were launching a jihad against the devil.

What really struck me was what the power of commitment to a cause or even one's faith could do. The men who carried out their suicidal mission believed they were doing something right and were willing to give up their lives for it. Except for one, the three others who flew the planes to their destruction went to the extent of learning how to fly planes. They found ways to get things done in spite of difficulties it involved and the danger of getting caught.

Because of commitment they got it done!

Another documentary I saw this time featured how the early Christians, by their faith in Jesus and his teaching on loving even those who persecute you,eventually shut down the Colosseum, the center of gladiatorial fights and Christian executions.

The story goes that because of the admirable faith the Christians had in rising again with Christ, the Emperor converted and did away with the games.

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