Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I've been checking out this blog"Girl In Progress,"and Christa (the girl in progress) who's been writing about how she's getting over a recent divorce, wrote the other day that she's just in the average groove and really had nothing exciting to write about.

For most of us mere mortals, I guess that's just the way things are. We don't go through life everyday as if we were in an action movie,romantic drama or suspense thriller flick. Most of the time, it's just an ordinary day of going through the daily grind. Nothing much to get real excited about...or blog about!

But this is where our challenge lies. How to make the ordinary day extraordinary!

It can be done by doing the daily routine a little bit better or a little bit more perfectly. Or we can do things a little bit differently and creatively.

The excitement need not be forced upon us by circumstances outside of us.

We have the power within us to create the excitement!

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