Sunday, September 03, 2006

The View from my Window: Father and Son

This morning as I watched the students of Lourdes school being accompanied by their parents to the gate, I noticed this dad and his kid in particular because from the way dad behaved you could tell his kid was special!

For one, he was lugging the kid's trolley bag even though I thought the boy was big enough to do it on his own. While they were walking towards the gate he was talking to him as if going through a checklist of things. I could just see it now:"Oh, do you have your handkerchief?Your assignment was it done na?"...and so on.

When they finally reached the gate,doting dad didn't just kiss son goodbye and saw him off. He bent down,cupped his son's face, said some words before kissing him. Then...and this is what got me...he lingered for a while making sure his son was safely in. Then as if this was not enough he went behind the sign on the gate and spent some seconds playing peek-a-boo with his son before waving goodbye.

He hurried back and luckily he did, because some traffic aides on patrol were looking his car over because he seemed to be blocking traffic. After some explanation he was let off.

It was a great sight because it's something I did when TJ and James were still small(although not as mushy as doting dad). I kind of miss this but am also thankful that I also gave my own sons some memorable mornings by going through these rituals.

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