Friday, June 02, 2006


It's supposed to be raining 'round about this time in June but surprisingly the day's been hot! Some ideas crossed my mind as to things I could do to make a contribution to the organization.

1. Note to myself: Develop a series of 10 minute Lectures on my readings from John Seely Brown/Innovation and Impossible Thinking and share these during the Area Managers' monthly meetings.

2. While reading on JSB's discussions on 2 schools of thought for gaining competitive advantage namely: the core competency model and collaboration model, I realized that we've got to have both in Chowking.

For example, we have the competence in developing new, delicious products. However, these tend to be very costly because the raw materials are expensive or it will be costly for us if we carry the SKUs required to produce the new products. Following the thinking of collaboration perhaps it will be to everyone's advantage if our suppliers find a way to improve their processes so they can give their raw materials to us at a lower price so we can offer these new items in the market cheaper.

Because surely our sales will increase then demand for their supplies will also increase. Everyone wins in the end. Also, in the exchange of ideas on how we can keep improving our products we can learn together with our suppliers and they can improve themselves in the process too.

More and more I'm beginning to see the wisdom of sharing more in order to gain more!

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