Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Just read an interesting blog from Mike Wieringo. He was born in 1963 (just 8 years younger than me) and when he was growing up, his images of Year 2000 was of flying cars and stuff we probably saw in Star Wars.

He makes an interesting point: what made terrific advancements in technology was not about the way we travel but the way we communicate!There aren't too many flying cars around but boy are there so many ways to bring someone who's in another part of the world right to your living room!

When I was a kid, Dick Tracy was a popular showing on TV. I was quite fascinated by his wristwatch communicator. Some toy manufacturer once offered it on the market but I never got to have one. Many years later, Samsung came up with something like Dick Tracy's watch...which just goes to show that if you can imagine it...it can come true.

Then,the sci-fi series on TV (Star Trek,Lost In Space) always showed futuristic families dressed in tight fitting costumes. They also ate food that came in the form of pills. The dress hasn't caught up but if you look at all the food supplements available in the market today, you wonder if the writers of these TV shows had a gift of predicting the future.

I still have yet to come face to face with aliens who are out to conquer the earth. (This was how the future state of earth was often depicted by these futuristic shows. ) When you come to think of it though...their vision of what today would be like comes pretty close!

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