Thursday, May 12, 2005


What has been said about turning 50 is true.

You find yourself slowing down a bit.

You look forward to reunions...not because you want to see your former classmates..but more to compare how young and better-looking you are compared to them.

You miss how your children were when they were cute little kids, and wished you really did spend more time with them during their growing up years.

You look at your kids now and tell yourself:"How time has flown!" and sometimes you wonder to yourself:"When will they ever finish College and get a job so they can take care of me!" :-)

You wish you had more wild sex when you still could do it! :-)

You watch your health a little bit more. You eat more healthy food, take your vitamins religiously and pay more attention to what the doctors tell you (although you don't necessarily follow what they tell you to do.) You can do away with the unhealthy food you used to gorge yourself with because you know how they taste anyway.

You start drinking more wine and enjoy more quiet times.

You're more aware of how short life is specially when your contemporaries start dying and you're attending more funerals than birthdays.

You find yourself praying more and being thankful more than ever.

You also feel great because you've reached an age other people younger than you might not even reach the way they're being stressed!

You realize you still can do a's a matter of choosing your battles because you don't really need to prove anything to anyone anymore! (Been there...done that.)

Still you find out that you still have more to learn about life, in spite of your age...and you are still fascinated about old things seen in a new light.

You are thankful for both good and bad experiences...and appreciate having gone through difficult times..because these made you a better person.

You realize that eternal love...a long-lasting love can and does long as both of you want to make it happen!

You realize that all the plans you've made and dreams you had are all temporary...and dependent on a Bigger Planner. And it would be wiser for you (and you'd be happier too)if you let Him do the worrying!

I turned 50 January 18 this year. I didn't feel any older. I know the white hairs are straining to show themselves thru the dyed hair. I can still bench press a lot of weight though it's taking me a little bit more time to recover. I can still play a mean guitar and in fact, am learning to play riffs I couldn't do when I was younger. Now, that we don't have to worry about my wife getting pregnant,we still enjoy some wild sex together.

I still can do a lot of things...and am learning a lot of new things that's making the next fifty years look a lot interesting!

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